Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ritz Crackerfuls $100 Giftcard Giveaway

This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Ritz Crackerfuls
. Please read all of this for a chance to win a $100 gift card right here on this post!

I can honestly say that I've loved crackers and cheese for a long, long time. It's always been a favorite snack that I usually have in my pantry. Freshly sliced cheese and crackers are just a great combo, along with some fresh fruit. That's a meal to me and one of my favorite things to eat.

So, recently when BlogHer asked for volunteer bloggers to agree to review a new product from Nabisco, called Ritz Crackerfuls, I jumped all over that. I mean, cheese and crackers! Absolutely, that's me for sure. Ritz has long been a favorite for me too, Nabisco is a proven and trusted brand to choose off the grocery shelves, so I knew this would be a win-win for me. And even though I'm getting paid for this review, I'll still ONLY give my true opinion on something.

What do you do when you want a snack?

Well, cheese and crackers are absolutely one of my go-to snacks to grab and the next best thing would be cheese AND crackers combined in one tasty treat. Those have been around for awhile in other brands, so this is something new from Ritz. And I have to say, they are very delicious. I was sent two different flavors, the Classic Cheddar and 4 Cheese. 4 Cheese was my favorite of these. You can count on the old flavor of Ritz crackers and the addition of cheese filling was a tasty plus. I'd definitely buy these from time to time for a quick snack to have around when I'm on the go.

At 130 calories and 7 grams of fat in one cracker combo, they aren't the absolute best choice for the size of serving, but I guess there are worse things to grab.

So, what are you doing during the day when you need that certain little something snack and what time does that usually hit? does it hit you mid-morning or mid-afternoon?

For a chance to win a $100 gift card, just leave a comment telling us all what you do to curb your hunger with a snack?

The contest will begin at 9:00 a.m. (PST) 07/21/09 and will end 5:00 p.m. (PST) 08/20/09. Make sure that the e-mail address you leave is correct.


No duplicate comments.
You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
This giveaway is open to US residents, aged 18 and over
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

Visit the official site for more information, including the rules.


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Jadehollow said...

I just saw these today in the grocery store! They looked really good.. but they were $3.89 for a box of 6.. lil steep for my budget right now. I really really wanted to try them.. but opted to wait for a coupon. Thanks for the review on them.. I'll for sure give them a try now.

Faye @ GreenOrganicMama.com said...

Ooh, I would love to try these crackers, but I've recently developed an allergy to milk protein. It's been tough finding alternatives to my usual go-to snacks at the office of cheese, yogurt, and milk chocolate for those chocolate cravings.

Our family joined a local organic produce buying club a few months ago, and we are reaping the benefits of delicious, farm-fresh, organic summer fruits! My morning snack at work now consists of a soy-milk based fruit smoothie, and I just had some of the tastiest Ranier cherries.

Here's hoping for a gift card ;) Best wishes to everyone, and thank you to Rhoda for hosting the contest!

Faye @ GreenOrganicMama .com

Sarah said...

I have found I can control my hunger better when I fill up on naturals. So, my summer favorite has been starting off my day with a concoction smoothie, some days it is strawberry/oj, yogurt, strawberries and a banana, other days it is pineapple, milk, oj and vanilla sugar. Whatever it is, these have helped me make it through the day almost completely without hunger! Plus, I feel great!!!

Great contest! Thanks for the tip, these would be great to try for my kids.

Lauri said...

Snacking on nuts always helps to cure
my hunger. Sure they are high in fat, but protein rich and filling.

Anonymous said...

Boiled eggs or cheese & crackers make up my usual snack menu. I'd love to try these! thanks for the chance.


ashley d! said...

the hunger hits about 10am. i'm done with coffee and breakfast is long gone. to keep from making bad choices, i buy a bag of something decently healthy and divide them up into portion sizes and keep them in my desk. without those little bags of goodness i'll make bad decisions!


Susan said...

I try to keep almonds and cheese sticks around. I LOVE crackers so they can be dangerous unless I divide them up like AshleyD says. I find that a dozen almonds and/or a cheese stick will keep me going until lunch. I keep hard boiled eggs in the fridge to, but they seem to be morphing into deviled eggs this summer, so a couple of those work also.

If it is afternoon...I'll grab white corn tortilla chips.

Anonymous said...

I snack on nuts, string cheese, and yogurt a lot. I will also occassionally have a dark chocolate Hershey's kiss. It just takes one to really curb a chocolate craving.

JennAnnGessner said...

To curb my hunger I usually eat something that I know will sustain me for awhile but is not too bad for me. Nuts, fruit and this Ritz crackers seem to do the job (I've purchased 2 flavors recently and like them).

Debra from Bungalow said...

I'll have to try these. I usually munch on pretzels.

Courtney said...

I really don't snack much-really. But I do like cheese and crackers. I grew up eating Ritz. I haven't tried this kind but it does look yummy!
Thanks Rhoda!

Anne N. said...

I usually have cheese and crackers or chips for a quick snack. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Debra from Bungalow said...



Anonymous said...

Will definately try them, they look yummy!

Whitney said...

I try to wait 10 minutes and see if the urge passes or I give in and devour whatever is in sight and sometimes more :)

Amy Rogers said...

I just bought a box of these on Saturday. They are really good!! Thanks for the chance to win. I love your blog!

Fawn said...

those look good! It kind of reminds me of the grown-up version of those cheese crackers with peanut butter inside.... What I usually do when I want a snack is I stick with fruit. It fills me up pretty easily, but I feel good about the extra vitamins. Of course, I prefer to snack on cookies, but who doesn't?

Cherri Engle said...

I haven't seen these in my local stores yet but I will have to make a point to search them out. They look wonderful. I try drinking a lot of water when I get the urge to splurge. Not that it always help but it will do in a pinch. Also, I try to keep almonds handy and lots of fruit. My 'urges' tend to hit mid morning therefore I usually eat my lunch earlier than normal. Then of course you guessed it, shortly after lunch I am wanting to eat my lunch again. It's a vicious cycle, isn't it?

Kathleen Grace said...

I usually look for a piece of fruit or some nuts. These look really good though. they would be nice to pack in a picnic or on a trip.

melissa said...

Cheesa and crakers helps me so, I guess I will have to make a trip to the store to make a purchase of the new Ritz crackers! They look yummy!

Anonymous said...

Crackers and cheese, an apple slice with cheese, a piece of fruit. Anything that's handy and fresh!

I'm in need of some crackers, and will give these a look! Thanks for the giveaway too.

The Whitakers said...

I always have a few snacks at my office so that I can snack throughout the day. My favorites this month include Cheese It's, Mixed Nuts and Crackers!


Reader said...

I grab a handful of almonds and dried fruit or a granola bar. Snack attacks hit me both mornig and afternoon. ~ Carrie C. in VA

Becky K. said...

Ritz Crakers and cheddar or farmer's cheese are my go-to snack to take along for church Bible study or evening game playing. I find most people are able to eat that while not everyone can eat sweets if I take that.

These look interesting. I'll have to see if my picky eater son would like them. He claims to like anything cheesy. We'll see if "Mikey likes it!"

I would love to be entered for the gift card...

Beckypfa@yahoo {dot} com

Auntie D said...

I always grab some cheese and crackers to snack on!

EnigLdy said...

Anything by Ritz is always worthy of a good review!

When the snack attack hits I try to find something crunchy to also satisfy the sense of having eaten which helps me to eat less.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

It would be lovely if they had a gluten free version of these; I love cheese and crackers too. I've been gluten free since November so when I get a snack urge usually about 4:00 or while watching TV at night, I've been cutting up some cheese and eating it with my gluten free pretzels. It's the closest I can get right now since I have to find a cracker that tastes good to me in gluten free.

kris said...

When I'm hungry for a snack--which is quite often, I usually resort to ice cream. But then afterward, I need something salty so these would be awesome!!

Jo said...

I haven't seen these in the store but now will be on the look out. My hsb loves packaged cheese and crackers...........Jo

Marilyn said...

Nuts or popcorn (something to crunch) will usually curb my hunger. Don't the folks at RITZ know the label should be Crackersfull - not Crackerfulls? Sorry, improper grammar just bugs me.

Amy@TheLemonCottage said...

I try to snack on apples and string cheese. Is there a coupon for these crackers yet? Thanks,

Karol said...

I love microwave popcorn. And being the Southern Girl that I am (or was until I turned into a fifty year old woman), I drink a tall glass of Diet Rite with my popcorn. Yum yum, I think I will have some right about now

Chelsey said...

I love the Kashi TLC granola bars. They're satisfying without being too sweet and they're full of natural ingredients, unlike the fiber one bars. I'd love to try these!

stephmccracken@gmail.com said...

These look YUM! to curb hunger, I try to drink a big glass of water before I get near the pantry....then if I'm still hungry later, I typically dive into cheese and crackers for a snack...or frozen grapes. YUM!

Nana, Papaw said...

I usually eat yogurt, but these do look good!

Donna K. said...

I usually snack on peanuts or a granola bar. Will have to give the Ritz a try. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love crackers, and these look sooo yummy. Coffee seems to be my snack these days -- it just gets me through.

Lisa said...

We just tried these crackers in the last week. My daughter saw them and we had to give them a try. They are so good! She is leaving for College in a few weeks and wants to take several boxes with her for late night munching. Try them...they are a winner!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Cottage cheese and fruit or almonds and raisins. But these DO look great!

Carrie said...

I love string cheese or trail mix if I'm craving a little chocolate!

Stacey said...

I love these crackers. They are a great snack!

Anonymous said...

I bought these when they were on sale, and I like them a lot. Sometimes, you are just in the mood for cheese and crackers. I keep a couple of these in my glove compartment. Sometimes my blood sugar drops and I just feel faint and hungry very quickly, so I like to have something in the car. As far as my fave afternoon snack at home, I would have to say a delicious cup of coffee staves off my hunger, and it is a guilt free treat. I am a coffee lover.

I also like to have almonds and granola bars around.

Love your blog!


Melissa said...

These look wonderful. They would be great to have with me at school for a midmorning snack. Those days are approaching soon.

Right now, my snack of choice has been homemade pico de gallo and baked chips. Yummy stuff.


angie128 said...

I try to just chew gum to pass the hunger. Sometimes I luck out. Other times I don't.

But I looooovvvvve cheese & crackers.

Anita K. said...

It isn't the best for me, but a slice of cheese and some Nabisco saltines will do the trick. Nabisco saltines are comfort food for me so I am sure I will love their new crackers.

sarah said...

As a teacher, I eat my lunch at 10:45am. By 2pm, I'm starving! I need something I can eat quickly between classes, but that is filling too. Unfortunately, I usually pop some candy in my mouth. These sound yummy and I will definately look for them in my grocery store.

jsmreed at new.rr.com

Anonymous said...

These look yummy! I, too, go for cheese and crackers for a snack! I also like fruit and Breyers Vanilla Bean Yogurt!!!

Unknown said...

I think stay hungry all of the time:)
I love peanut butter on a Ritz though, peanut butter is really filling!

Unknown said...

Tweeted about the giveaway here

Karen said...

Oooh, those look good! I like to grab a cracker or yogurt when I am hungry. Lately a SPecial K bar:)

Roeshel said...

Thanks for the review and fun giveaway! Must try these for meat/cheese/cracker tray I'm putting together. :) I'm also a cheese/cracker snacker, sometimes popcorn too.

Callieflower said...

I eat dried fruit and almonds...but my husband would eat these in a second!

~Violet~ said...

I make my own trail mix w/ a combo of almonds, pretzels & chocolate chips, or whatever I may be craving at the time. I then measure it into snack-size baggies to make it convenient.

Thanks for the give-a-way!

Jess said...

I usually feel my snack attack mid-morning. Peanut butter and crackers or cheese and crackers are my favorite snacks. Ritz crackers are a staple in my house, my picky son wouldn't survive without them!

Crystal and Billy said...

Cheese & crackers is a big hit in our house for a quick snack...

Thanks for the review...I saw these last week at the grocery, perhaps next visit I will get some and try them myself.

Happy Nester said...

I usually have an apple or some almonds to get me through. My family loves cheese and crackers, so I will have to try these. They look good.

Unknown said...

I am to lazy to slice the cheese for crackers and cheese, even though its a fab snack. So I typically grab a 100 calorie snack or ripe juicy firm grapes. Allthough, if there is left over cake, in this case this morning... left over lemmon cake, I will have that! screw the fruit and 1oo calorie packs! ha!

Bonnie said...

My favorite right now is Ritz crackers (no, really!) with some of that expensive canned squirt cheese on top, followed with 1 or 2 Oreo cookies! Yum!

Anonymous said...

It's usually around 4 or so that I need a little something usually a cup of tea with a couple of crackers/cookies does the trick....I love Keeblers Onion crackers (sorry Ritz but I'm being honest here) with a little swiss cheese sometimes :)

Thanks for tha chance Rhoda

Kathy :)

Anonymous said...

I have not seen these crackers before now!

A piece of fruit is what I try to grab- another great snack is a rye type cracker toasted then spread a little cream cheese and freshly chopped basil- yummy!


Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

These look delicious! I love cheese and crackers.
My favorite snack right now is dark chocolate covered almonds or soy nuts. Yum!

AngieK said...

I try to be smart but chocolate gets me everytime....

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Ritz crackers are my absolute fave! And my most favorite snack is cheese and crackers. In fact, I had Ritz crackers and co-jack cheese for breakfast. :) Thanks for a chance in this giveaway!

Roxanne said...

While I've been home all summer, I get snacky BOTH mid-morning AND mid-afternoon. All that snacking adds to my MID-section! HA!

I usually eat something like crackers and cheese, or grab a handful of whatever chocolate I might have, or (less often) fruit.

This would be interesting to try...I'll look for them at the grocery store.

Liz A said...

These sounds like a great snack. We love cheese and crackers as a snack!

A. Love said...

The urge to snack hits me around 3:00 and I usually grab whatever is in the pantry. I love Ritz crackers... these are going on my grocery list!

dixie@wildwood.baker.org said...

I wish I didn't love to snack, but I do. When the mid-afternoon munchies strike I reach for either chips and salsa or cheese and crackers.

Anonymous said...

Cookies are my favorite snack especially the ready to bake white macadamia nut right out of the oven. Can't wait to get a coupon so we can try these new Ritz snacks since we love Ritz crackers.

Christy824 said...

Fav snack - Cherub grape tomatoes. Always ready, no guilt feelings.

However, these crackers do look yummy.

I prefer my cheese with a glass of full-bodied, sweet red wine - and super sharp cheddar is "bettar"!

Tks for the giveaway!!

Heather said...

I love apples and cheese for a filling snack, cheese and crackers rank right up there too! I'll have to give these a try!

Pam said...

I eat whatever is around: almonds, yogurt, cracker with cheese and pickles. These sound good.

Jenny said...

I love eating dried prunes or crackers with jalepeno cheese.

Kate said...

When I'm hungry for a snack, I usually just eat of my kid's plates! However, these ritz crackers look delicious!

Katie said...

Well seeing as I am almost three months pregnant, the munchies seem to hit at all hours of the day now.The Bad part is that they usually hit while I am at work with a very limited food selection. I love snacking on cheese and crackers though and you are right, Ritz is the best.

Beck said...

I love anything with cheese and crackers! This could totally be a meal with some grapes and a large glass of ice-water (with lemon of course)....some would call that a mid-day snack! B:)

Haden News said...

I like to snack on any of the 100 calorie packs...cookies, crackers, etc. They usually will take care of the hunger. Thanks for a chance to win!

Jenna Z said...

If I get that hungry feeling before lunch, I know I didn't eat enough breakfast. I keep a stash of Luna bars in my desk so I pop open one of those and that fills me up!
If I get feeling snacky at night (after dinner), I reach for a cup of tea. I usually am not actually hungry, just bored so making and drinking the tea keeps me busy and keeps me out of the ice cream/chips/etc. :)

Melanie@TheOldWhiteCottage said...

You know I don't think 130 calories is that bad. And, cheese and crackers? Yum! Sometimes at work, I end up snacking on trail mix which is supposed to be healthy but I end up eating way more than I should and that's NOT good. Or, I'll hit a vending machine. Also, not good. The best think is when I remember to take fruit with me. Strawberries are my favorite!

Alphabet Soup Momma said...

I control my hunger by eating smaller meals more often and I also drink lots of liquids. If you drink at least 64oz a day of liquid you will be surprised how much less hungry you are !

And I would love to win a giftcard!

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

although I love ritz crackers, I literally grew up with ritz in the house,, i dont always have them on hand. So when my hunger sets in before lunch if i dont have something at work i'll get some cookies or peanut butter crackers or chips from the vending machine,, I love pretzels, but they dont have them in the vending maching. Cant wait to try these new crackers.. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Cheese and crackers are a favorite with my family. This is a great snack and sometimes we will have it with some fruit for a light meal.
Stacey Mills

Anonymous said...

I eat something with a little bit of protein to help fill me like peanut butter spread on a banana or a little bit of cut up chicken and some grapes.

Rosemary Vontran

ani @ kindness on her tongue said...

i love yogurt and fruit smoothies. especially as a bedtime snack - i sleep like a baby. i also really like cheese and crackers, too, especially cream cheese - yummy.

The Spann Fam said...

Laughing cow cheese with bread or crackers is amazing. Apple slices and a white wine spritzer make it even better.yum! :0

Anonymous said...

I am always starving in the afternoon! I usually have wheat crackers, a cheese stick, some dried fruit, or popcorn. I also find that chewing mint gum helps me eat less.

Nancy said...

I love those cheese and pretzel combos. I do drink lots of water which curbs my appetite. I like cheese sticks too from Weight Watchers! Only 2 1/2 fat grams per stick! I can't wait to try these Crackers. Have not seen them here in Cleveland, OHIO Nancy from OHIO

mduke62 said...

I try to grab something with protein, like peanut butter.

Stacey said...

I just bought some of those and my sons really like them. I was influenced by the coupon that came in the paper to try them. That's always a handy way to try something new. We will buy them again!

Cindi said...

I'm love all the 100 calorie snack packs that are out there of cookies, crackers, pretzels, etc. I find they keep my portion size in control and I don't over snack.

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

My "go to" snack right now is strawberry yogurt topped with granola. Yum!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Aubrey said...

Coke and chocolate are my faves...healthy, huh!?!?

Kristy said...

I curb my hunger, every single afternoon, with a cup of coffee (only one mind you!)with a tad of half n half in it! It does just the trick! (although, I can't wait to try these!)
Blessings ~

Jean Campbell said...

Love cheese, love crackers. These look tasty, haven't seen them in my store yet, but I'll look. Add some fruit and something to drink, and I'm happy.

Terri Steffes said...

These look yummy. I always have a snack craving at 4. It is time to go home from work. I can see how this would be a good snack, convenient, portion controlled.

Wanda Faye said...

I grew up on cheese and crackers--my mom loved them! These sound delicious! I like all kinds of snacks. Right now, being summertime, seems I'm either eating strawberries or canaloupe. As fall rolls around, cheese and crackers sound great!

paperjunk-lc said...

One of my favorite snacks is almonds. Lightly salted. There is something about cheese and crackers that immediately make me want a glass of white wine!

Vicki said...

A handful of nuts, a piece of fruit or a couple of regular Ritz crackers with a little peanut butter.

Love the idea of a Ritz product with whole grain. Will have to give them a try.

G.B. said...

I try to curb my appetite with a snack that has protein, a fat, and a carb in it...wether it's banna and Peanut butter or an apple and some nuts...it keeps me levels balanced...a year ago it would have been a twix bar but since I have gotten on a health kick I go to the fruit. I love some Ritz crackers though and think they surely could fit in my new diet Somewhere:) I still love a twix every now and then too!

Farmgirl Paints said...

My favorite snack as of late is a fresh peach cut up and microwaved for 30 seconds. I sprinkle some sweetner and add Cool Whip lite on it. Tastes just like cobbler only good for you...yummy!!!

Christie said...

I grab a book or play with the baby to avoid eating a bunch of snacks. But, I will grab a Ritz and some yummy cheese anytime I feel like it.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

i snack on cheese all the time. cheese and crackers and cheese nd grapes. i recently tried these crackers and love LOVE love them. i put them in my kid's lunches and they can't get enough of them. i am having trouble finding them in the stores though. it is rather hit or miss. i am hoping they catch on and are permanently stocked.

deb said...

I too love cheese!! especially with crackers. But crakers don't seem to last around here very long...my cheese & Ritz & and sons peanut butter & Ritz. I've been buying the wheat Ritz,yummy :~)
Have to try these.
Thanks for a chance to win!

Stephanie said...

When I can't ignore the need to snack on something, I usually go for a string cheese stick - we always have those in our house. I try to also go for fruit as well.

Lisa said...

I usually opt for peanut butter and apple, or peanut butter on Ritz crackers - yum!

Pat said...

My hunger usually hits in the afternoon and lately I have been eating Jelly Bellies ( I have a big container on my file cabinet with a little punch cup and I usually have about 1/2 of that.) I would love to try these as I love chees and crackers also. I will be looking for them in my local stores.


Anonymous said...

My snack of choice is one of the following...FF cottage cheese with fruit, popcorn or cheese and crackers...Ritz, of course! Love your blog. Thanks for the chance to win the giftcard! Maureen

Anonymous said...

I love Ritz crackers with a slice of cheddar and a slice of pepperoni. YUM. My favorite way of using Ritz crackers is to crumble a sleeve and mix with a stick of melted butter. I use this as a crust for chicken breast that have lemon pepper seasoning on them. Bake in the oven till done. DEE-LISH.

Barbie brcrosslin@comcast.net

deb said...


Sandy said...

cheese crackers and grapes

Angela said...

My trick is to stay hydrated. I keep water on my desk constantly. Since doing that I rarely feel the need to snack all afternoon. Instead around 3 I'll have a light snack...rather than the whole snack bar :p (The crackers fit the bill perfectly!)

Betsy said...

I have toddlers, so I have a set snacktime. A good excuse for mama to sit down, too. :)

Natalie said...

I normally have a snack in the afternoon and it's usually something CRUNCHY and SWEET! I am a cheese and cracker lover too!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

oooh, I have to try those. They look great. And perfect for the 5:00 appetizer before dinner. Know what I mean? Perfect with a quick glass of wine or a few apple slices and a diet coke.

I'm an emotional snacker, so I grab what I feel like, be it salty or sweet, or not...

Thanks to all those involved with this giveaway... Thanks for hosting it, Rhoda!!!!

jodi @ back40life said...

I am also a huge cheese & cracker fan! For my afternoon snacks, though, I typically try to eat some cashews...the protein seems to really help!

Angel S. said...

I love to snack on licorice. Not healthy at all. I am willing to try these though - they look yummy!

Jenny B said...

As of now, i've really been trying to drink more water when i feel hungry and then if i'm still hungry i'll have a tasty little snack. It's going well so far!



Tracy Bentley said...

These look great and I have a coupon... YEA!!!! I will have to try them. I love cheese and crackers. All types of cheese and all types of crackers. Can't wait to try them.

Glad that you tested them out


jean said...

I learned to love Ritz Crackers at an early age. My Father ate them every night with a smear a peanut butter. If I sat quietly and promised not to make a mess, he would share them with me. Now I eat them with my son. We still have them with peanut butter but also with cheese, sardines, tuna fish, and even make PB&J cracker sandwiches.

Anonymous said...

Lately I've been having cherry tomatoes, black olives and string cheese for a snack, yummy!

vwestermeyer said...

I have a box of these in the pantry but haven't tried them yet. Now I will have to immediately!!! I am a horrible snacker and do so on a variety of things but one of my favorites is a wrap with lettuce and ranch dresing

Sherry Gann said...

mid-afternoon almonds for me. :)

Shell said...

A handful of nuts does the trick to curb my hunger until it is time for a meal.

Kathryn said...

I like a granola bar or some trail mix, or string cheese. I try to stay away from the chocolate!!

Anonymous said...

I love crackers and cheese with some grapes. They go very well with happy hour, and help me hold up dinner til 8!

Michelle said...

We love Ritz crackers. For one of my children who has sensory issues, Ritz crackers are one of the few foods that he likes the taste AND the texture.

If I snack, it's usually in the afternoon when I'm working outside or on a household project. I try to eat something with protein. Often times I'll get a chunk of cheese, nuts or even a spoonful of peanut butter will do.

caycee said...

I love to eat a handfull of choc. covered raisins!!!

Nicole A. said...

I loveeeee cheese and crackers! It is definately one of my favorite snacks! I almost always have carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc and we snack on that, I am usually wanting a snack mid afternoon.

Jessica said...

I love crackers. I need something carby around 10:30 am. I try to pair it with some protein for lasting power.

Nicole A. said...

I tweeted!


Suburban prep said...

These look fantastic. Hubby Loves Loves Loves cheese. I do to.
When I feel a need to snack come on I try string cheese, a cut up apple, some frozen grapes or cottage cheese with a cracker.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

Sallie said...

I go to my computer and read!
No really, I love fruit to snack on, but how ironic...just last night ate almost a WHOLE sleeve of
Ritz crackers! Just plain, and they are GREAT!

Christy said...

Yummy, Ritz are my favorite kind of crackers! I eat 'em alone, w/peanut butter, and I also crush them to top casseroles. YUM

pat said...

I love cheese and crackers!! My very favorite. These are a must try. Pat

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

These look really good! To curb my appetite I try a tall glass of diet soda with lots of crushed ice that I can chew on when the drink is gone. A piece of fruit also helps.

I tweeted about this giveaway here: http://twitter.com/ldh4

Lynn Osborne said...

My best snacks are peanuts or almonds and milk. Thanks for the chance to win!

SunnySusan said...

I will snack on raw carrots or an apple dipped in peanut butter..these look great...thanks for the entry to win....I hope it is me....

Debbie said...

Always have a cravings in the afternoon, close to supper time, while trying to decide what to fix, always have to have chocolate, anything chocolate!!!!
Got to have chocolate!

Kate Hollis said...

Ritz crackers with sugar free peach butter or apple butter or a yummy homemade jam. It's like a little pie party in your mouth with no guilt!

Jeannine | The Small and Chic Home said...

I'm another string cheese snacker. A Diet Dr. Pepper and cheese is awesome.

I also love nectarines.

Who am I kidding, though. I have a serious sweet tooth and have a little candy almost every day.

mgster said...

These do look interesting! I was at my local ShopRite this morning and I did not see them. I hope they get them soon. When I have a hunger attack I usually grab a banana. And if I want something sweet I take two strawberry marshmallows out of my freezer...what a treat!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure this will nix my chance of winning but I have to put it out there. I've recently tried these (original cheddar flavor) & was not greatly impressed. They certainly did not live up to hipe especially for the cost. Though I guess it will be hard for anyone to top crackers with fresh cheese! I'll stick with my Lance Nabs for now.

Jennifer said...

I admit I am a snacker. I work 40 hours a week and every day I have a mid-morning snack and then I have a mid-afternoon snack. I keep my desk stocked with 'clean' snacks, and by clean I mean something prepackaged that I don't have to prepare and doesn't leave me with a mess of crumbs or smudgy fingers afterwards. A couple of weeks ago, I used a coupon for the Ritz Crackerfuls. I was anxious to try them as I love to add to my snack drawer. What a GREAT thing these are. I bought two boxes of the Classic Cheddar flavor, although I plan on getting the four cheese flavor next time I am at the grocery store. These are T-A-S-T-Y and I love that they are individually packaged so that they won't go stale, etc. I L-O-V-E them, as they are perfect for on the go snackers, which I am.
Thank you Ritz for a tasty, clean snack!!!

At Home with the Hill's said...

I usually go for something with a little protein like pita chips and hummus. OR the old standby cheese and crackers.

paintergal said...

Late afternoons are my snacky time- usually have some pretzels or tortilla chips.

Jodee said...

These look delicious! I usually eat popcorn or fruit! Please count me in!

Its So Very Cheri said...

I don't think I knew about this blog of yours. I usually grab a slice of cheese and a few grapes or a couple slices of apple and cut up the rest for my kids. Sometimes it's just fruit or a glass of tea or water. I don't snack a lot but cheese would be a definite. These would be great for sports events for kids. Our kids sports teams had parents rotate taking turns bringing snacks and we usually tried to do something like a cheese and cracker and a drink.

cara martin said...

To curb my hunger I eat Sugar Free Popsicles int he Tropical flavor. They don't exactly curb my hunger so much as keep me from eating something that I shouldn't! I will have to get some of the Ritz crackers for my boys to try. They both love cheese and crackers too!

Tracy said...

I usually opt for fruit so I at least feel like I'm eating healthier! My backup is usually a protein and carb combo so cheese and crackers are a go-to.

Rhonda said...

We too love cheese and crackers! Yummy! However, when I am low energy around 3:00...I whip up a green monster smoothie! So good for you and gives me energy to get supper, kids, baths, and the rest I need to get done for the day!

Thanks for a chance in this wonderful giveaway!

Mandy from Burkett Blessings said...

Yummy, yummy!! Cheese & crackers is always a favorite snack!! But, I have to admit my indulgence is a handful of Nestle chocolate chips! That with a little milk does the trick every time! :-)

Rose Broadway (Rosie) said...

Cheese and crackers are a favorite of mine. I like the snack about 3 o-clock in the afternoon. Staves off hunger until dinner. These do look delicous and I plan on trying them.

Nichole said...

I usually chew gum or grab a 100 calorie pack. I really like the Ritz mix 100 calorie pack but I can't find it in my area anymore.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is shopping day - and I just put those on my list - sounds perfect to me.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

What do I do?

I usually snack on crackers and cheese,
But gosh oh my, I haven't tried these!
I'm signing on now and I hope that I win
If I do, I assure you a Crackerful grin!

Here's to putting on the Ritz!

How's that for answer, Rhoda???


Sheila :-)

Anonymous said...

I usually have a glass of ice water first, and if I still am hungry, I decide if I want sweet & creamy, or salty crunchy. Sweet & creamy is usually ice cream...salty crunchy would be some type of crackers or chips.

Dee in MT

Craft Tea Lady said...

Right now I am dieting and I grab a protein shake to keep me going. Protein and fluids are my key right now. :)

Thanks for the chance!!!


CraftTeaLady AT yahoo DOT com

Ginny said...

they look delicious. I have not seen them yet in our stores. When I get in the mood for a snack, I usually grab tortilla chips and salsa, or fresh fruit.

Wanda said...

I eat a handful of peanuts and a small glass of milk - it quickly curbs my hunger!

dctm said...

I eat chex mix...love it

dctm at bellsouth dot net

Casey said...

Any kind of Ritz crackers are a staple in my home. Love, Love, Love them!! My favorite treat is to spread cream cheese on my crackers!! Talk about good?? You.You!!!

Casey said...

Any kind of Ritz crackers are a staple in my home. Love, Love, Love them!! My favorite treat is to spread cream cheese on my crackers!! Talk about good?? You.You!!!

Casey said...

Can I fix my typo in my post??? Please oh please?? I meant to say Yum..Yum!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Just love cheese & also crackers -- put together -- a wonderful combination -- am sure going to try them....

One snack I like -- is nuts -- will curb your appetite & are good for you....


Julie said...

My snack craving hits around 3:00 and I usually grab a mozzerella cheese stick or a handful of almonds or pecans.

Marla said...

The cravinngs for snacks often comes to me late afternoon, if I am home I ty to crunch on something healthier like carrots, often while I am cooking dinner, sometimes in the evening I go for a handfull of popcorn or maybe a few crackers. Would love to win this contest and I am going to try these crackers sometime soon.

kathi said...

Sometimes when I think I'm hungry I'm really just thirsty! A bottle of water with a bit of Crystal Light will usually do the trick. I do love cheese and crackers too. These would be great to keep in my desk at work. A snack and a drink would be terrific!

Sharon said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm YUMMY!!!!!!

I would love to try these. To help curb my hunger a piece of cheese and/or nuts do the trick.

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

I LOVE your blog!!!! You inspire me!


Anonymous said...

I am a fan of cheese, any cheese and always have Ritz on hand so that is my choice. Another good Ritz snack is Ritz and marshmallow Fluff. Yum! Elizabeth H


Anonymous said...

I snack on vanilla wafers or graham crackers. We like cheese and Ritz crackers, too. Verna

ageefamily at windstream dot net

Amanda @RusticRemnants said...

Thanks for the great review on this product. I have yet to see this in our local grocery store but I will be sure to keep my eyes open. Cheese and crackers is a favorite for my daughter although she prefers cheese sticks and mini ritz crackers. Right now though our go to snack happens to be fresh cherry tomatoes right out of our garden. Yummy.

Silk Stitcher said...

What a great review on this product. I haven't seen them in my store yet, but I will start looking for them. I try to snack on an apple to curb my hunger, but cheese and crackers are great with that apple. linensandsilks at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Wow! I have wanted to try these ever since I saw an ad for them. They just sound delicious. I do my very best to eat healthy and am calorie conscious, but sometimes I just crave cheese and crackers, so eating a few in moderation is not a bad thing to do overall once in a while. I will definitely look for these in grocer next trip. Janet. janet grant at cox dot net

Kelli said...

What an awesome giveaway!! Thank you for this!!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. I have seen these in magazines but not in the stores yet.

Anonymous said...

My go to snack items at work are soft cheese and crackers, cashews, or a handful of chex mix. These crackers sound good and would be very handy at my desk. Thanks for the opportunity to win!


Elaine said...

That hunger thing always hits me at 3:00 in the afternoon...whether I'm at home or at work...out to play or home taking a nap...There's a built in clock that wakes me at 3:00....I NEED something or my tummy gets rumbly!

Julianne Hendrickson said...

I normally crave carbs or chocolate--unfortunately for my body! haha...so I will have a huge snack and then not be hungry for dinner!

John and Lisa said...

Nuts, cheese, or peanut butter and apple are my favorite mid-afternoon snacks. I usually need something around 2 PM

Kim@theandrewsantics.blogspot.com said...

I have seen these crackers in the grocery store, but I've steered away from them due to price. I'd love to see a coupon for these! They look really yummy, especially the 4 cheese. I usually crave a snack mid-afternoon, and I typically want something sweet. I try to reach for fruit, but I often opt for a bowl of Raisin Bran. :)

Nana's Joy said...

Almonds and raisins

Anonymous said...

Sounds good! I like to eat fruit and cheese to curb my appetite.


cgnc said...

My snack time hits around 4:00. I usually heat up leftover coffee, then try to curb my hunger with popcorn, chips or something crunchy or in season fresh fruit (blueberries and melon lately). I too love crackers, cheese and fruit plates. Might have to try this ritz cracker product for making an ordinary snack a little "ritzier". :D

Shara said...

There was a $1.00 coupon for these in the coupon inserts a few weeks ago. We bought them this week and they are really good. My son likes those crackers with the square of cheese and the red plastic stick. These are similar, but have a more grown up taste. I stuck a few in my bag for yard sale days when I don't have time to eat before I leave. Microwave popcorn is my downfall when the mid-afternoon munchies hit.

HollyDays said...

I love crackers or nuts for curbing my hunger! :)

Just saw an ad for these earlier this week. Can't wait to try them.


Carla said...

Mid-morning is when I usually have a snack attack! Breakfast was too long ago and lunch is in the distant future. I find when I'm working at my desk is when I crave some finger snacks to keep me going until lunch.

aimee said...

Mid morning and midafternoon I usually crave a snack! Mid morning I have a cup of coffee and mid afternoon I try to have a snack with protein in it.

aimee said...

Mid morning and midafternoon I usually crave a snack! Mid morning I have a cup of coffee and mid afternoon I try to have a snack with protein in it.

Anonymous said...

Great review! I am trying to get healthy and have started grabbing individual raisin boxes, prunes, yogurts, etc. for my snacks. I love crackers and cheese and hope to work them back into my snack line-up soon.:):)

Anonymous said...

I normally eat a granola bar or cheese and crackers for a snack. I love the way both feel in my mouth. Is that wierd. Oh, grapes too.
And it's usually midafternoon when I snack.

April said...

I like to drink some all natural fruit juice! YUM :-)

Thanks for the great contest!!!

Angie said...

They sure do sound good! I get hungry mid morning- So i'll usually snack on grapes,string cheese and wheat thins.

Marie said...

Hello Rhoda - what do I do to curb my hunger? I would "want" to say that I eat some fruit or maybe a small bowl of cottage cheese. But...to be "real" I will have to say that I love Oreos. Yah. Several of them. However, the photo of the 4-cheese crackers looks tempting. I love cheese. I will try them!


Rose said...

Well I'm not really doing good on the snacking thing right now but I do try to snack on light yogurt and fruits. But I also love Ritz crackers to with some cheese. I just posted a recipe on my blog using Ritz crackers in a Chicken Poppy Seed Casserole. It was yummy to. It was just posted a few days ago if you'd like the recipe.
Thanks for sharing this with us!

April was in CA now MA said...

Lately I've been grabbing trail mix for a mid-afternoon snack. What I crave is always changing though so it could be yogurt/granola/blueberries or cheese and crackers (a big favorite around here).

These look pretty good and I'll definitely be trying them once I see them at our grocery!

Linda said...

I love Ritz Crackers and cheese with a glass of wine. I will look for the "Crackerfuls" at the grocery store.

Vinyl Wonders said...

I would love to try these!! I have not seen these at the store yet, but the review sounded so good, I may have to give them a try!!

Anonymous said...

I just went shopping and didn't see these. I will get them if I do see them though. They look so yummy. I usually have nuts for a snack or fruit. sometimes a soft pretzel. I love those:)
hope I win :)

PattiVZ said...

When I do need a snack it is usually just a few dried or fresh fruit pieces. I'm not a huge snacker. Hubby, however, loves those crackers!

Anonymous said...

Crackers and cheese are my favorite snack and sometimes lunch with a little fruit.


Anonymous said...

I have been having a lot of celery lately.
Either celery with cream cheese

or "ants on a log". YOu know celery with pb and raisins.

thanks for the giveway!

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