Friday, May 1, 2009

Dayspring Life Collection Giveaway

Of the many perks of blogging, including friendships and having people that I just love come by to visit me, partnering with some fabulous companies for giveaways is right up there at the very top. And I'm happy to announce a wonderful giveaway with Dayspring, the Christian division of Hallmark, to introduce to all of you a new line called Life to the Full, a kitchen and tableware collection.

Based on the verse John 10:10 (NIV), I come that they might have life and have it to the full, this collection is a sweet inspiration and would be so fun to have around for entertaining. The colors and styles are vibrant and perfect for summer.

Dayspring was kind enough to send me samples of the collection to enjoy in my own home and not only do I get to enjoy them, but this entire vignette that you see here will be given away to one very blessed winner as well, and all you have to do is leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway. The contest will be open until Sunday night at 6:00 pm Central time and the winner chosen by Random Number Generator and announced on Monday. Don't forget to leave your email address if you are signing in as Anonymous, so that I can contact you. Any Anonymous without a name or email will be deleted.

A sweet black, white and blue mug to sip that morning coffee will be so inspiring.

The collection also features placemats, table runner and a vintage-inspired apron that I know you'll all enjoy. Can you believe this is my first apron I've ever owned. I must wear it!

This gorgeous floral pitcher is part of the collection too. Can't you see this filled with sweet tea or lemonade for your outdoor party? And behind it is a beautiful oval black, white and blue platter just meant for entertaining.

Blue floral plate and an oversized black and white bowl with red interior is another part of the collection.

Plate up close. Vibrant, happy and colorful is how I would describe this wonderful collection.

A small dessert plate with Life written on it is very sweet.

I just adore this whole collection and will definitely be pulling these pieces out when we entertain at my house this summer. And one thing I really love about it is how happy and playful it is and how all the pieces work so well together, not to mention the inspiring message written across every piece. You can thank Dayspring for this very generous giveaway!

So, go over to the Life to the Full collection at and tell me which piece you like the best, then leave a comment and we'll get the party going! Also, because everyone can't win the giveaway, Dayspring is offering a 20% discount for the month of May on anything at Perfect place to shop for a special gift with Mother's Day coming up.


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Mrs. Pittman said...

I love this pattern! My kitchen is black and red, and those plates and bowls were made for MY kitchen!!

thanks for offering this.


Kathi said...

I love this collection! Clicked over to Dayspring and WOW they have some lovely gifts and things!
I really like the colors in THIS collection! I'm re-doing my whole house with them, thanks to Kim at DearDaisyCottage! Please enter me in your generous give-a-way!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

I love everything! Count me in! :)

Charlotte said...

Love this set of dinner ware, neat way to read the "Word" each day.


Breathing In Grace said...

I love most anything with scripture on it...and I adore Dayspring...such an inspirational company!! And...I would love to win!! Thanks for the precious of you!!!

FrancisMoore said...

Beautiful collection. Francis Moore

Juli said...

I love all of the beautiful colors. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see who wins.


Tiffany said...

These are SO beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

That pattern is a lot of fun!

I would love to be entered for a drawing, Rhoda...



Anonymous said...

These are just beautiful!

Heidi Lambeth

Unknown said...

LOVE these! I am going to look at them online right now!! I have one that they did last year that has a chicken/rooster (or something!!!) on it and it is too pretty to drink coffee out of!! I have it on "display"!

vwestermeyer said...

I love them all! But to select just one it would be the 12" large dinner plate ... it's so cheery and bright and beautiful. I can only imagine my table set with that!

Sue said...

Thanks for the chance to get these dishes. They are lovely! Would love them!

Vanessa said...

These are beautiful!! Would be a great Mother's Day gift!! Thanks for sharing!

Kim said...

My favorite piece is the pitcher----SO cute!!

Mabry's Gamma said...


Now how pretty would these be to have when I have you come over for lunch after I move to Birmingham. I think all the pieces are so pretty but I am drawn to the colors of the blue, red, green and yellow pieces. You just can't help but smile they are so cheerful.


Anonymous said...

I would love to drink my morning tea from the mug. Thanks!
suanj889 at aol dot com

Chandy said...

That really is a beatiful and fun pattern! Wow!

I'd love to win it!

Karen said...

I just saw this yesterday at the Dayspring website and I can't believe you're offering it as a giveaway! The pitcher is my favorite piece, hands down.

I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

I love the little black and white bowl with the red inside..too cute!!Thank's for introducing me to this website.. I also wanted to let you know I love your blog.. I want to start one so badly.. Again Thank You..Ann

Stacey said...

Rhoda, I love it all...the colors, the inspirational words, the linens. If I have to pick one piece that's my fave I would say the pitcher. Thanks for sponsoring this give away. It's all lovely.

Stacie said...

This collection is proof hat I need to think outside of the box more. If you just told me you were putting all of those colors together, I would freak! But seeing the result is stunning. I love the place setting and the red bowl!

Barbara said...

I love the whole set, and like the blue and white set on the website as well. :) My favorite piece is the little dessert plate that says "Life". Thank you for your generosity!

Heidi said...

ooooh, so hard to choose, it is all so cute, especially the aprons & towels. But I think my favorite is the black & white desert plate.

pick me, pick me! please & thank you!

Anonymous said...

How cute are those aprons? Love it all...


Lazy Mom Leslie said...

This is such a beautiful collection! I love all the colors, but the message is best of all!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Rhoda
It is hard to decide what I like best. It is a beautiful set! The large platter is really pretty. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I enjoy reading your blog daily.


Vanessa Greenway said...

This collection is wonderful! Thanks for offering and please count me in!! Thanks!

Lynn said...

Wow! I love this collection! My favorites are the placemats and the platter. I enjoy your blog and all your great ideas

Sara said...

I love it! This would beat my plastic summer tableware for grilling out!

Amy said...

OOOOh... I love the large pitcher!

rustycupboard said...

A wonderful set. I love the apron. thanks for the info

Glenda said...

I love this collection...I think my favorite piece, and it was hard to choose, would be the pitcher. Please enter me in the giveaway.
Glenda in MS

Anonymous said...

Well, it is very hard to pick just one item, but if I have to... The pitcher is so useful. It can hold liquids, utensils or just be an accent piece. Beautiful!
Diane Pierce

Laryssa Herbert said...

I couldn't take any chances on not winning this giveaway, I ordered one of the mugs and the small life plate!

I would really like to have the whole collection, so count me in for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just love these dishes! Please please please put my tiny name in the pot!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Kathy said...

What a beautiful collection! I love the large pitcher, and those placemats have such great colors! So glad you "introduced" this to your readers.

Lisa said...

How pretty! Count me in!

Emily and Frank said...

I really like the platter- great for serving cookies, etc. Thanks for the giveaway!

Katie said...

It is so pretty! I hope I get picked. Also, I love your blog Rhoda, I wish I had some of the talent that you do when decorating your home.

paintergal said...

What a fabulous giveaway. And how hard to choose a favorite.
If I had to pick, I'd say the black and white dessert plate.
Thanks, Rhoda!

Stacie M. said...

I love the black and red bowls and mugs. The whole collection is awesome. I was not aware of this site. Thanks a lot!

Love Being A Nonny said...

I Love it all!! I want to win!! I LOVE the plates with the verse about Abundant Life..........What a GREAT giveaway! angela

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful collection! Perfect for entertaining guests or family. I would love to win.

WendyBee said...

Love the verses! Love the colors! Love the designs! Sign me up! What an effective advertisement for Hallmark--I'm going straight to the website to dream about "gittin' me some o' that good stuff"!
(But don't let that stop you from pulling my name as a winner!;-) )

The Wileys said...

This stuff is so sunny and happy! I'd love to have some! Thanks for offering the giveaway!

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Beautiful set of dishes...the small plate that says LIFE says it all for me...

Tricia Hicks said...

I have a thing for pitchers, so I would have to say that I like the one on the first page. I love the bright colors. I have a bunch of antique glass pitchers that were my grandmothers. Nothing too fancy, just plain ole glass. I love them all though and use them all of the time.

Elizabeth said...

This is all just so peppy and beautiful. I think that the pitcher is my absolute favorite though.

Gina said...

These are gorgeous!! I would love to win!

Ali said...

This set is just breathtaking, not only is it uplifting by its colors and verses, but so differnt. I love the colors and the designs on the plates and cups. My favorites is the life collection and the mugs are just adorable.Here is my email address: Thanks! Wish my luck!

Anonymous said...

I love this collection. Thanks for offering the giveaway!

Amber Schmidt said...

oooooh! These are so pretty! The black and white damask partnered with the bold colors is PERFECT! Would match my new green and black kitchen PERFECTLY~

We've Got Scents said...

Love the colors in this collection. Thanks so much for this opportunity.
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend,
Matthew 21:22

slip4 said...

Beautiful! I love best the black and white platter with the blue center. Thanks for the offer!

Natalie said...

WOW!! I love this collection! My favorite is the "LIFE" oval platter ~ what a beautiful collection!!

aguhmom said...

Patti at says:

What generosity! From you and
DaySpring. . .generosity of heart
and spirit is what makes this
old world turn.

One lucky girl will be greatly
blessed - and right here before
Mother's Day!!

Have a super weekend; can't wait
to hear what treasures you find
this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rhonda,
I love all these pieces but most important is the messsage written on them. My favorite would be the apron. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Thanks for sharing the love,
Michelle M

Southerner said...

I love the platter that is black and white on the rim with a blue center or the pitcher or the bowl or a mug. I really am not that picky. Just pick me. Noone ever does.

EnigLdy said...

I love those colors together!

Wes and Donna's Big Adventure said...

Wouldn't this place setting just make you smile when you sat down to eat! I love these pieces; and what a way to remember HIM who gives it all to us.

susan said...

How great a tangible reminder this would be (as if we need more?)!! Love the concept; love the line.

Renee said...

I have to say they are all beautiful!
Beautiful words and colors.
My favorite is the 16 inch Oval Platter.

Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love the 6" red bowl. The design is great and the size perfect for a lot of things. Jo

Gwynie Pie said...

I love the whole collection. So colorful and full of life. Thanks for your fun blog.

Cambria said...

I love that blue and black mug. IT would match my kitchen perfectly!!!! Beautiful!

The Bost Family said...

I love this collection!

ladybug said...

The ne Daysprings Collection is beautiful. Can't wait to see it.

Lindy said...

My heart started racing when I saw this collection, it's beautiful! I love all of the bright beautiful colors! What a wonderful way to witness to others at get-togethers!

My email is

Beth C. said...

I love Dayspring products. This collection is beautiful! Also, we love Southern Hospitality! Thanks for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love this collection. Thanks for sharing. I love to read your inspiring =)

Cottonwood Tales said...

I love your blog - I check in on you daily!! Love all the beautiful colors that you show!

I would also love to be entered for your giveaway!

Thank you! Have a great day!
Karen in Texas

Kathryn said...

I love the pitcher! But the whole collection is just gorgeous.

Bridget said...

Oh my word...this stuff is beautiful! I love the plate and the pitcher...the words in different languages, the colors, all of it.

Carol said...

What a great set!! I love, love the table runner and the full adult apron.

Thanks for all the fabulous giveaways.

Midwest Nest said...

Love it all. Thanks for introducing me to Dayspring.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Such a beautiful line, and the verses are so perfect. I love every single piece, but the platter is my favorite I think. How to pick just one. Thanks for the giveaway and I would love to be entered. Hugs, Marty

Kathy said...

How fun! I love the color combination, especially the black and white. It's all so cheery!

"Blossom" said...

The red and black mug is very nice; one of my favorite pieces.
Very nice items.

Anonymous said...

the black and white pattern makes me weak in the knees...pair it with the red, Rhoda, and I'm in love! My brother-in-law works for DaySpring's home office...I have not seen these yet. LOVE THEM!

Anonymous said...

Oh MY so glad you are giving the whole set...who could pick a favorite??? My red white abnd black kitchen is yearning for some more decorations..pick me pick me!

Amy said...

Love the colors! Red is one of my favorite to accent with! These would go great in my new kitchen! :)

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I would love to win this and do a tablescape! Crossing my fingers! What a sweet prize!

Anonymous said...

Love this collection!

Melissa said...

What a beautiful, inspirational set of dishes and serving accessories! I think they would be great in any home (especially mine!). For some reason I'm drawn to the Life Collection – 10” Breakfast Plate-maybe because I've never heard of a plate just for breakfast! My breakfast is usually in a bowl ;-)
Thanks for this opportunity!
Have a blessed day!

the BLAH BLAH BLAHger said...

I love Dayspring...and I love these designs. The black and white swirls with a pop of color will look AWESOME in my new green kitchen! Hope I win!!!

Kate said...

I love the scripture bracelets! The one with Proverbs 31:28 on it would be a perfect mother's day gift for my mother-in-law.

ChemMommy said...

I just love the dish set that's only blue and white. I also love the shape of the pitchers. How refreshing to see strong colors and shapes for the kitchen. Thanks for sharing these designs with me. I'd never heard of Dayspring before.

bobbi said...

What fabulous kitchen items! They are not only vibrant but uplifting and just make me smile!! Great colors, too. Who wouldn't love these? Count me in.

Joanna said...

The red mug...What a wonderful piece to drink my morning coffee from. The verse is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I love the black and blue serving platter. I acutally need more platters, seems like I'm always searching for one. The colors in the entire collection could fit in so many kitchens. The entire set is just beautiful. I would love to be entered. Thanks!


Ashley said...

I really like the Life Collection- Blue Mug! It's adorable!

Darlene - Our Creative Life said...

Oh Rhoda that would look great in my new kitchen!!! I LOVE EVERYTHING!! I especially love the verses on them!! Thank you Jesus!

B. Redd said...

I love the black and white bowl. Everything is so pretty.

Melinda said...

Love the colors of these, they would look great in my new kitchen too.


Allison said...

I love the apron and black and white bowls. I love it all but those are my faves. Love black and white and turqoise together. Thanks for the giveaway

Elizabeth said...

What a lovely set. Since I have a thing for pitchers, that's the piece I like best. It's gorgeous!

Tami said...

The black/white dessert plate, blue bowl, red/black breakfast is really hard just to pick one they all are so darn cute!! How gorgeous these would be for a ladies luncheon or tea!!
So would love to win!!!!!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I like the kitchen textiles, especially the half apron! That is some really cute stuff! :-D)

Thanks Rhoda! And thanks to Dayspring for offering this contest to Rhoda's readers.

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

I love the whole collection, but my favorite piece is the 16" oval platter. So, so beautiful!


Unknown said...

Rhoda - Love the verse and all the pretty dishes. They are so fresh and lively. Thanks for the chance to win them.

A fellow Bama (B'ham) girl,

Anonymous said...

I love this whole collection!!

Domestic Engineer said...

I love these pieces, especially the plates. They would be fabulous to add to my collection. Many thanks and I LOVE your SH blog. Many thanks.

Magnolias & Juleps said...

LOVES IT!! I love the blues in this collection.. but i love the vibrant color feel of the one you're showing. simply beautiful. I'm moving into a new house and thinking about how lovely it would be to have a new set.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Rhoda, I love them all...they are so beautiful...please add me into the drawing. nancy

Wendy said...

I love them all. If I had to pick just one, it would be the black and white plates with that have the 15 different languages, or maybe the stripe plate with "Life". Too hard to pick just one thing.

Unknown said...

How wonderful these are!! Life -- how beautifully stated.

Rhonda -- love your blog. Keep up the good work.

Alma -

~ Jill ~ said...

So cute!!! I want that blue and black coffee mug! ADORABLE!!!

IandS said...

Wow! What a pretty collection!

Ginny said...

I really like this collection. I love the 4pc. life place setting in the multi colors. I would not mind buying some place settings of that. The colors are so vibrant.
Please enter me in the giveaway. ginny

Anonymous said...

I really really like the blues in this collection.

Amy said...

I love the black and red combos. Very cute!

Su said...

wow. . what a fun, cheery collection. Thanks so much for having these giveaways. . and thanks so much for the time and effort you give your blog. I enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

I love this set! The colors are wonderful and I love the verse. Thank you!


A. Humphrey said...

i love this collection. my favorite piece is the blk/white/blue platter. matches my kitchen perfect.
thank you

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to witness! Kind of "captures" people if they're eating and sipping from a "message" they can't quickly get away from ~grin~ Thanks for the chance to win. LOVE all the ideas you share. CJ

Bonita said...

I like it all very much, but I think the black and white plate with words that mean life on it ranks #1 for me. Thanks for sharing such pretty goodies!

Rebecca Shaw said...

I love the breakfast plate, the dessert plate and the large pitcher. They are adorable!

MimiG said...

Oooh, anything RED! The large picture is probably my favorite, but love all the bright colors...

Erica said...

What a beautiful set. I love all of it. I'm a sucker for dishes. Great Giveaway.

~Kathie~ said...

I love this collection! The colors are perfect for summer!!! Thanks for hosting this give away!

bandanachick said...

My favorite is the black, white and blue platter...LOVE it!

Kyle said...

I love everything... but my absolute favorite is the oval platter!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

I love the 10" breakfast plate. I love the red, black & white together

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Oh my are the lucky one as well. Oh, Pretty please, random integer, pick me.....I want everything - the platter, and even the apron over on the site. :)

Robin Green said...

I love it all. Please pick me!!!!

Katie M said...

What a beautiful collection. I love the four-piece place setting!! Thanks for the opportunity and thanks for sharing all your talent - it's an inspiration!

Ashley @ The Happy Little Home said...

I saw these the other day and was totally drooling! Thanks for your great giveaways!!

Tammy518 said...

I love this collection! I saw it the other day on CC Catherine's blog, and thought it was so pretty, and how nice that it has the inspirational message on it. Enjoy!

janinms said...

I absolutely love this line. Please enter me in the drawing.

Debra said...

So nice! Consider me entered.

The Murray's said...

I love this line of dishes! My favorite is that little black, white and red bowl! Please enter me in the drawing.

Barbara said...


Carol in Indian Springs Village said...

I love these! And the turquoise, red, black and cream are PERFECT for my dining area in the sunroom. I hope that I win but if not, I'll be ordering some for sure! Thanks, Rhoda!


Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

May fave is the blue platter. I just love it!

Anonymous said...

I love the platter the most. What a great giveaway!

Puna said...

This is lovely! I really want it, though I'm not sure what my husband would say to another set of dishes:) There's a blue oval platter with John 10:10 on it. Please enter me!

2 Little Irish Boys said...

I love the large red pitcher. I would love to give it to my mother, but I would be hard pressed to part with it:)

Sunday said...

I'm just beginning to collect "totally unique" plates/dishes to hang above my kitchen cabinets. Currently, I have only found three that make me happy, but one of these babies definitely would! I especially like the black/white/blue platter that has "I have come..." Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

I love this set - what a great giveaway! It would make a great mothers day gift too. Jennifer H

Anonymous said...

I love the Life black and white dessert plate!


Christel Harrington said...

Beautiful gift and a beautiful blog! Thanks, Christel

Anonymous said...

I love them all!! Amazing inspiration!!


Anonymous said...

Just beautiful. Thanks so much.

Jodie P said...

What a great giveaway!!! Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Rhoda, I would love to be entered in the draw for a chance to win. I like the oval blue platter the best, but it is all so pretty. I love the idea of being able to express your faith on one of my favourite things-dishes, for all guests and family who visit.

Our Naquin Family said...

Oh my goodness! This set is beautiful! I love it all~~ :)!

Tracy Bentley said...

This is so beautiful. It would make a nice addition to my kitchen. Thank you so much for sharing.

Betty Jo said...

WOW! It's all beautiful and hard to choose a favorite. I think the 4 piece place setting and the large pitcher are my favorites. I love the aprons too. ♥

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

I.LOVE.THIS.COLLECTION. It is beautiful and vibrant and, yes...full of life! The platter is my favorite, but I'm loving the apron too. thanks for this awesome giveaway!


Rhonda said...

I love it! What a great giveaway. I love dishes with verses on them. I love the bright, fun colors.

Count me in! Thanks so much!

Melody said...

How precious! I love this pattern and I love DaySpring! Thanks!

Yanira said...

Oh it's so hard to decide which one I like the most. I LOVE IT ALL! ;)

Becky said...

OOOOH!! These a gorgeous! I LUV the verse and I do LUV those colors. Thanks Rhoda for giving us the opportunity to win this fabulous giveaway!

Vicki Cluxton said...

I love this collection. The 16" oval platter would look great in my kitchen.

Love your blog and all your great ideas!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE any of these pieces....they are all such an inspiration to me at this point in my life....In the past 5 weeks, my mother has been hospitalized with blood clots in leg and lungs, two of her brothers have died SUDDENLY and UNEXPECTEDLY, and a very close first cousin was diagnosed with cancer TODAY....I need a lift and a reminder that God is in control and will not put more on us than we can bear....

Anonymous said...

I am the anonymous with the mom in hosp., uncles passing away, and cousin diagnosed today.....I forgot the e-mail address.....too much going on...sorry...

dctm said...

I love the floral pitcher !

dctm at bellsouth dot net

Nicole said...

I seriously have to choose my favorite?!?! Hmm...either the "life" dessert plate, the platter, the pitcher...can't decide!

oh, and did i mention this red and blue are the exact colors in my kitchen? :)

sewjaneen said...

One of my favorite verses and I love any kind of dishes! They're definitely full of LIFE! Love your blog!


My fav is the Life Collection – 16” Oval Platter

The Claunch Family said...

I love these! said...

I love dishes! The platter is my favorite. I enjoy your BLOG. Kim

Anonymous said...

I really hope I win! What an inspiration this collection would be to use.


Em said...

I love it all, what a wonderful giveaway!

Susie Q said...

Blue floral serving dish...lovely.

~Violet~ said...

We nevvaaah get tired of give-a-ways!!! These dishes are beautimous!!! Thank-you so much for always sharing your wonderful finds with us. My favorite piece I think would be the black/white dessert plate (wonder why?)

Celia said...

Such bright and happy colors! Just what anyone would love to have...the winner will be truly blessed! Thank you for the kind offer!!

The Barnett Family said...

I LOVE dishes....any dishes, but I lliked the apron. I really need a pretty apron to wear while entertaining. Thanks for the opportunity to see the new line.

Jennifer said...

I love this, especially the pitcher.

Priscilla said...

Gorgeous and inspiring, what a wonderful way to bring the word into your everyday living. Please enter me in the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This collection is really creative and beautiful. I read your blog daily and really enjoy all of your posts, although I do not comment!! Thanks for offering this giveaway!!


Carolee said...

Hi Rhoda, I love your blog and look at it almost every day! Also love the new dishes pattern. Please count me in the drawing. Thanks so much! :-)

My email address :

Anonymous said...

What better way to start the day than sitting in my porch swing with that mug filled with coffee. Very inspiring. I love the whole collection.

Kasey said...

What a pretty collection!

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful! You are right, it is so cheery, there's no way to be down when you have this to look at! Thanks for entering me.


Lou Ann said...

I like the red bowl & mug. Very cute and matches my kitchen, as well.

L said...

This is EXACTLY the collection I liked the absolute most!!!

I hope I win!

Jadehollow said...

Oh Rhoda .. This one posted is my favorite .. I fell in love instantly the other day when I saw it posted on another blog. They had done a tablescape using it. I love the fact that it has scripture on it .. so hard to find faith based things now. Thanks for spotlighting this beautiful collection.

Anonymous said...

I love the black and white bowl with the pop of red. So pretty!

Jill in Nashville

Betty said...

I love all of their collection. Since my kitchen is red and black my favorite is the Life Collection – 10” Breakfast Plate in red.

Shaam said...

Love that verse. Thanks

All the best,

The Real Truth said...

The whole collection is just lovely. Colorful and Inspiring. I would love any of the pieces.

Connie said...

This is so pretty and such a nice collection. I love the 12" plate and the coffee mug. PICK me Rhoda!!! Pick Me!!


ajandkj said...

I like the pitcher and coffee mug.

David and Christine said...

I love this collection and the message, I may have to go and check these out if I don't win! : )


Tina said...

I adore the 16" Oval Platter!!! The entire collection is beautiful!!

Luke's GiGi said...

I can't pick a favorite because all of the items are lovely. I really like the black/red and blue/red in the items.


Christi @ A Southern Life said...

Love these - sign me up!

Mariel said...

I love the collection you chose but the large blue pitcher has to be my favorite of the collection.

Tracy said...

Oh Rhoda, these are precious! I just went over to Dayspring and they have the cutest things...great unique gift ideas.
Please sign me up.
Thanks for sharing!

Bonnie said...

Oh, I really like this collection. Thank you so much for sharing. Enter me in this giveaway. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

all the pieces are beatiful! i especially love the mug, great for quiet times!

thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

lunalissa at aol dot com

Prim said...

Ohhhh, I *love* that there pitcher!!! Isn't is gorgeous?!

I would love to be in this draw ... thanks to you, too for such a lovely, thoughtful, giveaway.


Anonymous said...

I love all of this collection! The colors would go so well with any room in my home! wonderful!


Wendy said...

Love this set! Very charming and fun too!
What a great set to display!

Cherri Engle said...

What an awesome give-a-way. I absolutely love the black and white dessert plats and I love the platter and the full adult apron. Thanks for the give-a-way opportunity. Be blessed!

Kay said...

So glad to see blue back on the option list! Love the blue dinner plates that can be used as is or as chargers! Completely match my blue tile backsplash and white ironstone that have been waiting patiently for a new look!

Rachel said...


Thank you for sharing with your readers. The dishes are beautiful. I especially like the Life Collection and the large platters.


Every Day Blessings said...

Love, Love these. Would love to win these adorable dishes.

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